At some point a writer has to start writing again which means book marketing must come to an end. My book Something Furry Underfoot came out as an e-book in May 2013 and a paperback in September 2013 and I’ve done marketing on and off since then. My second to last marketing event was a short, fun interview on Pamela S. Thibodeux’s awesome site. The interview was her Saturday Spotlight on September 13.
On September 26 I will end my marketing of Something Furry Underfoot at the Book Club of Grosse Isle. The Club meets at the Grosse Isle Golf and Country Club. I was invited to speak by my boss’s mother who is a member. The bummer is that my boss’s mother fell while visiting my boss last weekend and is undergoing rehab. And that means that I won’t get to meet the very person that is responsible for setting up my last promotional opportunity for Something Furry Underfoot. That hardly seems fair. More on that in my next posting.
The topic of my one-hour talk at the Golf and Country Club is: Why There Will Always be Something Furry Underfoot in My House. Surely, you know the answer to that after reading the posting about the Thousand Dollar Kitten. The black kitten named Preto is now fully recovered from his botfly bite (and the tapeworms that followed afterwards) and an absolute joy to play with.

So this is my heads up to myself, perhaps, that marketing will be done for my book soon and I will have to choose to either start another book or venture off into a new hobby, like underwater basket weaving. I’ve not done underwater basket weaving yet and I hear there’s a venue for that somewhere tropically warm. In the meantime, watch for more photos and occasional blog postings about nature, pets and life. And watch for fun stuff on my FB sites, too.