After two days of driving, we returned home to get our pups, Snickers and Winston, from their favorite play place–Nana ‘N Paws in Grand Ledge. On the drive home from Nana ‘N Paws, the pups sang a swan song we’d never heard before. Listen to this video and you’ll hear what I mean. We were happy to have them home.
We heard it had snowed in Michigan while were in Florida, but when we pulled up the driver, we found someone had shoveled. I checked with a couple of neighbors, and nobody admitted to having shoveled our driveway. To this day, I don’t know who made it so easy for us to get up our lil driveway once we got back from Florida.

Also waiting for us at home was Preto, the cat Mark rescued from a boat launch in mid-Michigan. He was stand-off-ish for about a half hour, then got all snuggly and purred for an hour solid.
Also waiting for us were black squirrels who’d taken up a box outside our bay window (at right).

And the fox squirrels like the one at the left were waiting for us, and red squirrels and birds… They were all waiting for Mark or me to put out piles of sunflower seeds again.
And finally, waiting for us at home were these patches–Master Angler patches from last year’s fishing season. You may note that I had two and Mark had one. But it’s like that sometimes.
And we can’t wait for the start of the 2023 fishing season in Michigan.