It’s true, I’m spoiled. And this year, Mark spoiled me with not only a Rago Rat fishing lure, but also a chocolate cake with my name on it.

The Rago Rat lure is the floating lure of choice when going after feisty fish like pike or bass. Just throw it out onto the water, wiggle it now and again and wait for the water to boil. The cake needs no explanation, of course, but it did turn out the cake was not chocolate–it was yellow. The cool thing was that when I told Mark “It’s the thought that counts,” he thought some more and there appeared another fishing lure. One I’d never seen before.

It’s called a Shamano Waxwing and it looks quite strange because it seems to have fins on the top of its head and underneath its head. This lure will go down about 1.5 feet and then waggle back and forth under the water.
I then learned one waxwing is not enough, so there appeared another one.

I know, all you ladies out there are super jealous, but consider that it’ll be several months yet before I’ll be able to tell you if these lures catch any fish. Meanwhile, I’ll be enjoying on a delicious–albeit yellow–cake. How sweet is that?
Oh those eyes Bug me……..but what a great gift.!!!