Thank you for all the great name suggestions for our two puppies. The Name the Puppy Contest ended on September 6 and after intense debate, Mark and I selected the two winning names: Snickers and Winston.

The winners of the contest are Janet Peterson, my cousin from Alabama, and Virginia Lydic, a.k.a. Stepkid #1 who provided no less than 6 sets of names for our consideration using a fun email address we didn’t know she uses.
To make sure everyone realizes how much we appreciate participation in this event, today I emailed all the participants, offering them either an e-copy or signed paperback of my book, Something Furry Underfoot. Two people did not provide their email addresses, so if you entered the Name the Puppies contest and did not hear from me, contact me at [email protected]. In return, I’m hoping readers of Something Furry Underfoot will feel compelled to provide comments on because comments help sell books. Also, some proceeds of my book will be donated to animal rescue organizations.
Thanks again to all the participants!
I like the name Winston but Snickers is WAY cuter!