Day after day I’m on conference calls, and most are via Teams,
and some are about as boring, as boring as can be.
I hung up on one the other day after watching flapping jaws,
and everything that I had heard was like, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”

My boss called up and asked of me if anything was wrong,
she said, “You seem so disengaged and not following along.”
She went on to try to cheer me on with a little “Rah, rah, rah!”
I said, “You’re just like all the rest; it’s just ‘blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!'”
My boss, well, she did fire me, and I was rather sad.
Without a job or bank account, I had to move in with my dad.
He said, “You cannot stay for free, you must go get a job.
And I’ll have some chores for you.” I said, “Blah, blah, blah, blah blah.”

The streets they are quite scary, but some people ’round a fire,
asked if I might join them, and hang out with them a while.
One lady, though, was going on about her pathetic pa;
I could not help myself and said, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”
I wandered off and soon curled up in a smallish cardboard box.
‘Was awaken from a strange, strange dream by a little knock, knock, knock.
My husband asked, “You getting up? I tripped over your bra.
I was hoping you might tidy up.” I said, “Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”

My doctor said my hearing’s bad, my vision’s failing too.
And that I had gained some weight–just 40 pounds plus two.
She went on about my lab results while I went, “La, la, la.”
I said, “I’ve heard it all before, it’s just blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”
While some of this was but a dream, I am now very dead.
While on a fish vacation, I touched a gator on its head.
They say the guides were quite amazed at what they heard and saw.
They said, “Ma’m do not do that.” And I went, “Blah, blah, blah, mmmm mmaw.”

Shout out to Dawn Roush for being willing to act as my boss, to Roger Darden, who was willing to pose as my dad, to Willi Oemke for being the only person not cropped out of a fireside photo, to Holly Oemke for posing as my doctor, and for Brenda Sayles for taking the third photo (of me and Roger), and for the amazing Photoshop job done after taking a photo of me on the floor and inserting me into the jaws of a caiman I saw in Bolivia on a fishing trip. – Amy L Peterson