Book Blog Tour for From Zero to Four Kids in Thirty Seconds Starts April 8

It’s not too late to catch the humorous interview I did on a great site in the UK run by Morgen Bailey, the direct short link to which  is

Then, so you have something really fun to look forward to, I’ve listed below the exciting schedule for my first ever book blog tour to promote From Zero to Four Kids in Thirty Seconds. 

8th April    – Debdatta @ b00k r3vi3ws – GIVEAWAY (1 EBOOK GIVEAWAY)
9th April    – Nilsa @ Nilsa’s Book Blog 
12th April  – Pragya @Reviewing Shelf – GIVEAWAY (1 FINAL QUALITY PAPERBACK)
14th April  – Makayla @Makayla’s Book reviews

15th April  – Twitter Party #zero2fourkids – BIG GIVEAWAY (3 FINAL QUALITY PAPERBACKS AND 3 NECKLACES)

Jewelry I'm giving away from Jessentials (on

16th April  – Aparajita @Le’ Grande Codex
17th April  – Rachel @Stressed Rach
18th April  – Nicole @Purple Penguin Reviews
20th April  – Cece @Cece’s Reading and Writing Safari – GIVEAWAY (1 FINAL QUALITY PAPERBACK)
22th April  – Sue @Books books the magical fruit
23rd April  – Allizabeth @The Paperback Pursuer
25th April  – Elemillia @Book Reviews, Fiction Reflections n’ More
26th April  – Ella @Mymcbooks Blog  – GIVEAWAY (1 NECKLACE)
27th April  – Donna @My Life. One Story at a Time. – GIVEAWAY (1 NECKLACE)
28th April  –  Joy @Joy’s Galaxy  – GIVEAWAY (5 PAPERBACK REVIEW COPIES)

 Finally, in honor of this great event, my e-book will be 99 cents until the last day of the tour.

Thank you for all the host participants, and to Aparajita, Manager of Tourz de Codex virtual tour program, for setting this all up.