When Mark answered our ringing doorbell earlier this year he came face to face with Patrick Garvey, who offered to side our house for a price we couldn’t refuse. We ran a background check, followed him home, and ordered a drug test. Well, we thought about doing all that, but really, he seemed like a nice guy, seemed to know a thing or two about siding, and guaranteed our siding would stand up to at least a few good storms. Besides, painting the outside of my house just isn’t as fun as it used to be. So we hired him.

The windows were all in place on Friday. They look like this. Or is it a single bay window? It’s so confusing.

We have a great view of our back yard now and one of the first things we saw out our bay window(s) on Saturday was this fella.

I stepped out onto the deck, ran down some stairs and took another shot before the bald eagle took to the air.
I can’t think of a better first view out a new bay window.
I must thank Patrick and Jami for the fine work they’ve done so far, and for restoring our faith in contractors. Next weekend, maybe you could send a golden eagle past our window–we haven’t seen one of those in a long time.