The shopper in my family is Mark, and a few weeks ago he received in the mail the coveted 30% coupon from Kohl’s which he, of course, had to use. He came home from Kohl’s with a new blue and white shirt that he liked so much he thought my dad might want to get one, too. So we went back to Kohl’s with Mark’s 30% coupon and bought a shirt for my dad. Well, as plans came together for Father’s Day and we learned Arthur was going with us to my dad’s, we had to get another shirt, and then Becky’s boyfriend, Justin, decided to join us on Father’s Day, and well, this just sort of happened.

Oh, in case you were wondering, it’s Justin, Arthur, Dad, and Mark, in that order.
We also took a tri-tip roast from The Beef Barn in Jackson, which you should all try at some time or another because they’re quite tasty. Now, most folks say it’s best to actually cook a raw piece of meat, so we put our best men to the task.

After Dad helped cook his own Father’s Day dinner, we all sat down and ate the roast and some potato salad and baked beans. It was while eating that I noticed that Dad’s grass was in need of some care, and I’m afraid I said something about it. Luckily, his other present was a battery operated weed wacker. As soon as we finished eating, we sent Dad to work tidying things up a bit.

Dad didn’t get very far before Becky noticed the tag was still hanging from Dad’s new shirt.

Dad’s Black and Decker wacker came with three batteries, so Dad can wack weeds day and night. And unlike his old wacker, he doesn’t have to worry about spilling gas or pulling his fool arms off to get the wacker started. He was amazed.

In the end, Mark the shopper came through with flying colors and flying grass blades, too. I’m just glad no more guys decided to tag along, because we bought out the last of the blue and white plaid shirts at Kohl’s. So Happy Father’s Day, Dad. And if you’re reading this, you can stop wacking weeds now.