This Week: Wood Ducks, Grackles and Golden Dung Flies

Over the course of the last week, three new critters came into our yard.  Early in the week Mark photographed this male wood duck. 

Male wood duck. Photo by Mark Oemke.

He arrived with a female wood duck.  The two have been in and out of our yard a dozen times the last two weeks to eat corn.   They land on a tree, make sure the yard is safe, eat and then fly away.

Female wood duck. Photo by Mark Oemke.

Three days ago, some grackles started showing up for sunflower seeds, corn and suet.

Common grackle.

This one took time out for a song, which, from a grackle, is more like a screech than anything else.

Grackle singing.

 And while the wood ducks are beautiful and the grackles interesting to see, you’ve got to admit that there’s nothing like the beauty below.  I found him and three others like him down by the lake.   It took Mark and me a few minutes online to figure out that this fuzzy, yellow-orange fella is a male golden dung fly. 

Male golden dung fly.

 I suppose the only thing better would be a photograph of a male and female dung fly mating and making more golden dung flies.  Surely, the world needs more golden dung flies if we’d never seen them before.

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